Friday, April 16, 2021

Head in Hand


"Today I’d like you to relax with the rather silly form called Skeltonic, or tumbling, verse. In this form, there’s no specific number of syllables per line, but each line should be short, and should aim to have two or three stressed syllables. And the lines should rhyme. You just rhyme the same sound until you get tired of it, and then move on to another sound."

 I have a feeling I could go on and on with this one but I will spare us all and stop! 


Head in hand
nothing as planned
I'd take a stand
but I'd be banned.
Stuck in a cage
somewhere offstage
I'm at that age
should disengage
not put my rage 
upon a page
I'd like to burn.
You'd think I'd learn
to wait my turn—
my main concern
is that I yearn
to do it all
engage, enthral—
instead I scrawl
a line or two 
(more than a few)
of nothing new
to capture you—
it's crap; it's true,
it's what I do.


1 comment: said...

Ha. You had fun with this one, Linda. So did I, in reading it.