Wednesday, February 03, 2021



after days of rain
unexpected sunshine
pinch me

Have to say, these seem pretty blah to me. Kind of liked the first one, but now not so much. So I'm posting a picture taken just this moment through the tiny window in my basement studio. The three little wall-hangings? Those are what I affectionately refer to as haikuscapes.  The story behind the one on the bottom is here, over at The Light Ekphrastic

I thought I'd posted (sometime in the fourteen or so years I've been writing here) about how haikuscapes came to be, but apparently I have not. It's time I did, but that will be a post all on its own. Soon—I have been sorting and tossing old papers of late and just the other day came across a draft of an essay I wrote about it that I just typed into a Word doc. Soon as I dig out some photos to go with it, I'll put it up.



Kristin said...

I kind of like it.

Linda Crosfield said...

Aw thanks, Kristin. And thank you so much for reading these.