Je Regret Parfois
Little sparrow sits high in the primavera
all the gold in the world can't outshine the tiny flowers
spinning groundwards in this onshore wind
No. That's not it.
Today's GloPoWriMo suggestion/promt/idea if you can't think of nothing to write 'bout is "Our craft resource today focuses on the use of concrete nouns and specific details, using the idea of “putting a dog in it.” Today, we challenge you to write a poem that is about something abstract – perhaps an ideal like “beauty” or “justice,” but which discusses or describes that abstraction in the form of relentlessly concrete nouns. Adjectives are fine too! For example, you could have a poem about sadness that describes that emotion as “a rowboat tethered with fishing line to a willow that leans over a pond. Rainwater collects in the bottom, and mosquito eggs.” Concrete details like those can draw the reader in and let them imagine the real world where your abstract ideal or feeling happens."
Okay, reader, and I know you're out there, a tiny drop of you wading around in the great sea of blog posts.
I've never been a good speller and this sort of thing just confounds me. Oddly enough, only today on Facebook someone (okay, Greg) posted this, which of course I don't know the source of and probably have no business reproducing here, but it helps to see you're not alone.
So yes, we were talking about blogposts. And this is one and here's my poem with a bunch of concrete nouns and the odd adjective thrown in for good measure:
Why Don’t You Write About Fucking, He Asked
silence at first
then what then what
the glance
the look
the touch
the gasp
each second
a spin round the universe
a bow to the gods
that provoke us
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