Sunday, December 02, 2007



On December 1 eight local writers read at a benefit for the Nelson Food Cupboard Christmas Hamper drive. We were raising funds with which to buy books for kids to put in the hampers.

Here, Marya Skrypiczako is sitting by some of the books that were brought to the reading. Sono Nis Press in Winlaw donated several of their gorgeous kids' books. Alan Rinehart played classical guitar before the reading and during the break.

There was the usual book table. That's my mom in the red coat, checking one out.

There was time for coffee and goodies and visiting with friends.

Olindo Chiocca standing behind some of his books. His latest, Dinner Wit Da Dons, combines fascinating stories about members of the Mob with some very fine Italian recipes.

Fred Rosenberg, Ernest Hekkanen and Margrith Schraner chatting before things began.

Fred was MC most marvellous for the evening.

Eileen Delehanty Pearkes was first up to read, having just returned from Vancouver where she was promoting her memoir, The Glass Seed.

Ernest Hekkanen read from his novel, Chasing After Carnivals.

Ross Klatte read from Leaving the Farm, published by Oolichan earlier this year.

I read half a dozen poems.

Margrith Schraner read the introduction to The Reluctant Author, in which she attempts to unravel the writing life of her partner, Ernest Hekkanen...

...who was obviously enjoying himself.

Susan Andrews Grace read from her new collection of poetry, Love and Tribal Baseball.

Sean Arthur Joyce reminded us that poetry is, above all, an oral tradition. He had his poems memorized (a feat that always leaves me awestruck).

Olindo, who spearheaded this event, read a very funny story about trying to buy gas in Manitoba.

In the end we collected a basket—and then some—full of books, plus $340 to buy more.

(l-r: Art Joyce, Eileen Delehanty Pearkes, Linda Crosfield, Fred Rosenberg, Olindo Chiocca, Marya Skrypiczako)


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